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Sybren de Boer 1:1

November 2010

Sybren de Boer (1980) works often with found object of archetypal meaning to create a minimalistic and at the same time very pregnat personal statement. His simple and instant installations deal with the game phenomenon that permits free and open process. Sybren's project for etc. gallery consists of a three dimensional drawing which was on one hand inspired by technical schematics of car parts, on the other hand formally by language of poetry.

Sybren de Boer graduated at Accademy of Arts in Utrecht, he was nominated for Startpoint Award in 2009. He works and lives in Amsterdam and is co-founder and curator of Das Bilt ( www.dasbilt.nl )

© 2007, etc. galerie

Kateřinská 20, Praha 2, Czech Republic / info@etcgalerie.cz