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Martin Zet The Old Prick

May 2008

A Deathly Serious Manifest of Old Pricks

Being aware of our age and all of the deeds that we have done, we cannot disgrace ourselves any further. In a desperate situation, but fully conscious.

We think.

That nothing will be the way it was before. That the state of things is far more serious than the bravest speculations claim. It makes no sense to speak about things. When we are merry, our joy is a mere shadow of joy. Our laugh is an unconscious hysterical grimace. Our humour is ridiculous, because it simply is ridiculous. We neither like nor love. We are the weed of scepticism, irony and scorn.

We swear with the sincerity that has always been denied to us.

That we will continue to be what we are now. We will hurt our friends and relatives. We will bring to tears all those who love us. We will disgrace everything positive and defile everything beautiful. We will bring ourselves to a situation that is even worse than the one we currently find ourselves in. We will use all means of salvation and offers of help to our disadvantage.

That could be enough.

Ivan Mečl, 2008

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